Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Stone in the Road

Last week we were invited to be part of the audience for the High School drama class who were performing the fairy tale "The Stone in the Road". The children really loved it and were keen to draw about it. Here's our newest bulletin board displaying their work.
You can see photos of the show here
Look for lots of other photos in the Photo Gallery too. 


  1. Yo kids, I'm the sergeant and I enjoyed doing the show with all of you kids. My Private is a bit lazy so whenever you see him, make sure his posture is straight. Your pictures will be used on Facebook. May the force be with you. - Sergeant Will

  2. I love the pictures, you guys! Thanks so much for watching the play, and it was so fun to see your classroom and hang with you all :)
    -Elizabeth (Tom Starheels! :P )

  3. Hi my name is Michael!

    Thank you guys for coming to our show. I was the Private (the tired guy) and Davie.

    Hey Varun!

    It was awesome to play Rocks, Paper, Scissors.

  4. Hi Grade 1! I so enjoyed you all coming to our performance. It really meant a lot and I am so glad you liked it. The pictures you drew were so cute and made my day. Visiting your class and meeting you all was amazing as well. Thank you all again for coming to The Stone in the Road!
    Maddie Jackson (Charlene)

  5. Hi class :)
    I was one of the guys with the robes and calculators! :D
    Thank you so much for the pictures and the great time today. Alysha and Sunwoo, you guys are awesome card game players!!
    You were an amazing audience, I enjoyed performing so much.


  6. hi there. its josh here! or maybe you know me better as the the guy who kept getting hit or the one with the awesome black costume. i remember my buddies misha and christian. i enjoyed playing rock-paper-scissors with you guys. it was awesome. peace.

  7. HEY! i was one of the actors in the play "The Stone in the Road" I'm so glad to hear that y'all enjoyed the play. my name is yana and i played the wise-men who was older. it was so nice to see your happy faces and hear your laugh during the play! it was so great to have the chance to meet your guys! and thank you Tarush for giving me a lovely room tour and for playing rock paper scissors! it was a bucket load of fun! and hi to everyone else! YOU GUYS ROCK MY SOCKS!!!

  8. HEY! i was one of the actors in the play "The Stone in the Road" I'm so glad to hear that y'all enjoyed the play. my name is yana and i played the wise-men who was older. it was so nice to see your happy faces and hear your laugh during the play! it was so great to have the chance to meet your guys! and thank you Tarush for giving me a lovely room tour and for playing rock paper scissors! it was a bucket load of fun! and hi to everyone else!

  9. Tks to all the actors in the play ! Zara really enjoyed the play and you guys coming to the class was just awesome !
