Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I'm Thankful!

Thank you so much for all the donations of toothbrushes, toothpaste, combs, soap and facecloths. My class made up 50 hygiene kits for Cambodia. The children had to unwrap all items, so no wrapping or plastic was sent to Cambodia (it adds to their garbage problems). Then they put one of each item into a one gallon bag, along with an instruction card that the children made, showing how to clean teeth, wash hands, comb hair etc.
Since I was the Grade 1 organizer for this project, all the leftover items from other Grade 1 classes came to my room, so your children got busy and used those supplies to put together a further 30 hygiene kits. Then, they hauled the kits down to the 4th Grade teacher who was coordinating the whole effort. Altogether, the Primary and Intermediate Schools have put together more than 2000 hygiene kits this week. That's going to make a lot of Cambodian families very, very thankful.  You can see photos of the children making hygiene kits here

Yesterday, when we had talked more about the history and meaning of Thanksgiving, the children wrote what they were thankful for, and displayed their thoughts on turkeys that they made. Some of their statements included:
I'm thankful for
  • my family
  • my dog
  • toothbrushes
  • food

Science - this week we explored things that move by rolling. The children set up ramps and discovered ways of making items roll down the ramp. Science is a loud, busy, exciting time in the classroom! There are photos of it here 

Tinsel Time
 Please join us on Wednesday December 15 at  10:00am -- 11:00am for our First Grade Holiday Program, “Tinsel Time,”  in the Elementary Theater.  This will be followed by refreshments in the classroom.. 
 You will be getting more details in the coming weeks, but I wanted to be sure that you have enough time to plan your calendars for this important event.  We will be participating with five other first grade classes.  While I know that some of you might be leaving early for the December Holidays, the date of this event cannot be changed.  I hope this fits into your Holiday plans. Please let me know if your child will not be here for this program.

 Happy Thanksgiving, 
Debbie Woodfield

1 comment:

  1. The pics are wonderful. Sanah has been excitedly sharing the lyrics of the song you all have been singing for thanksgiving, the turkey feathers and the hygiene kits. Its lovely to see kids that age learning the values of 'gratitude and giving back to the society'. Thanks Mrs Woody for sharing the details.
